21 març 2019 |
Application of Usability Engineering to the Development of a Personalised Decision Support System for Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management [Pòster] |
Martin, Clare
; Aldea, Arantza
; Alshaigy, B.
; Avari, Parizad
; Duce, David
; Fernández-Balsells, Mercè
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Harrison, R.
; Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Jugnee, Narvada
; Lui, C.
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Massana i Raurich, Joaquim
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Russell, A.
; Reddy, Monika
; Waite, Marion
; Wos, Marzena
; Oliver, Nick
febrer 2016 |
Automatic Detection of Exercise in People with Type 1 Diabetes Using an Unscented Kalman Filter [Pòster] |
Ramkissoon, Charrise Mary
; Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Bondia, Jorge
; Georgiou, Pantelis
; Oliver, Nick
; Vehí, Josep
17 març 2017 |
Avaluació d’un sistema personalitzat de suport de decisions d’autogestion de la DM1 [Pòster] |
Wos, Marzena
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Fernández-Balsells, Mercè
; Martin, Clare
; Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Ricart, Wilfredo
; Sojo-Vega, Lidia
; Lafuente, Esteve
; Loshuertos, Emilio
; Shapley, Julian
; Nita, Lucian
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
1 juny 2018 |
Cloud Based Acquisition System for Diabetic Data |
5 juny 2018 |
Cloud Based Acquisition System for Diabetic Data |
Nita, Lucian
; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
2017 |
Cloud Based Acquisition System for Diabetic Data |
Nita, Lucian
; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
15 febrer 2020 |
Cloud Based Acquisition System for Diabetic Data |
Nita, Lucian
; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
Efficacy and safety of the Patient Empowerment through Predictive Personalised Decision Support (PEPPER) system: an open-label randomised controlled trial [Pòster] |
Avari, Parizad
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Wos, Marzena
; Jugnee, Narvada
; Thomas, Maria
; Massana i Raurich, Joaquim
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Nita, Lucian
; Martin, Clare
; Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Oliver, Nick
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Reddy, Monika
; Fernández-Balsells, Mercè
21 març 2019 |
A novel, adaptive decision support system for diabetes self-management using artificial intelligence and mathematical modelling [Pòster] |
PEPPER (Patient Empowerment through Predictive PERsonalised decision support)
; Oxford Brookes University
; Imperial college London
; Universitat de Girona
; Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IdIBGi)
febrer 2020 |
The PEPPER System Application Program Interface [Pòster] |
Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Massana i Raurich, Joaquim
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Nita, Lucian
; Avari, Parizad
; Duce, David
; Aldea, Arantza
; Georgiou, Pantelis
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Fernández-Balsells, Mercè
; Oliver, Nick
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Martin, Clare
2017 |
Personalised Clinical Decision Support For Diabetes Management Using Real-time Data [Pòster] |
Martin, Clare
; Aldea, Arantza
; Brown, Daniel
; Duce, David
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Gay Sacristán, Pablo
; Georgiou, Pantelis
; Harrison, R.
; Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Innocenti, Bianca
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Nita, Lucian
; Pesl, Peter
; Petite, Roberto
; Reddy, Monika
; Shapley, Julian
; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
; Waite, Marion
; Wos, Marzena
; Oliver, Nick